Social issues

Who Are the Palliris?
20 Jan, 2019 | Sophie Blow
Photo: Ivan Rodriguez PetkovicShedding light on the work of women in the Bolivian mining industryA Bolivian mine can be a tough place to earn a living, especially for a woman. All miners suffer f...

20 Jan, 2019 | Sophie Blow
Photo: Ivan Rodriguez PetkovicDe-stressing with crash therapy in La PazYour heart beats faster and faster in your chest, your palms become clammy, your head starts to pound. Stress is an illness that...

Little Jungle in the Big City
20 Jan, 2019 | Autumn Spredemann
Photo: Autumn SpredemannSanta Cruz gives nature room to breathe in its botanical gardenMention that you’re travelling to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and most Bolivians – mainly people who live in the...

Through the Eyes of the Blind
20 Jan, 2019 | Josephine Zavaglia
Photo: Josephine ZavagliaDeconstructing the challenges of the visually impaired people of BoliviaThe world view of visually impaired librarian Olga Mendoza affords insights into human nature and...

Women of La Paz
22 Nov, 2018 | Bx Team
Miriam Rojas OntiverasPhoto by Sergio Suárez Málaga‘We have a lot of rights now, unlike before. I am very happy to be a Bolivian woman.’Angela Abigail Calvimontes Pérez from the Alalay FoundationPhoto...

Diana Málaga
22 Nov, 2018 | Sophie Blow
Photos: Sophie Blow/Adriana L. Murillo A.Stitching the challenging road toward the rights of transgender Bolivians In the hustle and bustle of the market in La Paz that leads to the city’s cemete...

Women at the Wheels
22 Nov, 2018 | Marie de Lantivy
Photo: Marie de LantivyLa Paz’s minibus industry is male-dominated, but female drivers are making inroadsIf you live in La Paz, or are even just visiting, you will most likely take a minibus at s...

The Care Economy in Bolivia
22 Nov, 2018 | Vivian Braga
Photo: Marie de LantivyValuing life and domestic labourBolivia is a melting pot of different ethnicities. It is home to women that belong to 36 different nations recognised by the country’s Polit...

Prescription for Laughter
29 Oct, 2018 | Marie de Lantivy
Photo: Marie de LantivyHappiness HealsOn Christmas Day 1998, the movie Patch Adams was released. Both the movie and the real Hunter ‘Patch’ Adams, an American physician, comedian, social activist...

Amigos de Potosí
29 Oct, 2018 | Honor Scott
Breaking the cycle of the Cerro RicoPotosí might lay claim to being one of the highest cities in the world, but it is still dwarfed by the conical height of Cerro Rico. For it is not just the skyline...

La Paz Recicla
29 Oct, 2018 | Honor Scott
Photo: Honor ScottBolivia Grapples With Its TrashAccording to Bolivian newspaper Pagina Siete, there are 5,400 tonnes of waste generated every day in Bolivia; of that only, 4% is recycled. 80% of the...

Bolivia’s Canine Citizens
24 Sep, 2018 | Ryan McMeekin
Images courtesy of Fernando KushnerBoth a bane and a boon, the country’s dog population is growing – and there are some people trying to help man’s best friend outOver the past decade, Bolivia’s stree...

Bolivian Tradition, Drug Crisis
29 Aug, 2018 | Leigh Anderson
Image: Alexandra MeleánThe Duality of the Andean Coca LeafA stealthy trip into the jungle. An underground deal. Secret messengers. The transformation of a harmless substance to a deadly one. Border cr...

Bolivia – A Modern-Day El Dorado
29 Aug, 2018 | Robyn Kate Pollard
Photo : Wikimedia.orgBut the country’s mineral riches come with a price – societal, environmental and economicGold prices have risen steadily since 2000, increasing nearly fourfold and changing t...

Proyecto Rositas
27 Aug, 2018 | Leigh Anderson
Balancing development with the environment and indigenous rights in BoliviaProyecto Rositas, the plan for a 600 megawatt hydroelectric plant in the Bolivian jungle, is stirring up controversy among a...