Going Out

30 Apr, 2021 | Valeria ‘Lalibelle’ Dorado
Photos: Valeria DoradoENGLISH VERSIONThe pandemic has changed our lives in many different ways and as much I would like to discuss all of them today I wanted to talk about traveling. We, as human...

30 Apr, 2021 | Arash Masoudi
Photos: Arash MasoudiENGLISH VERSIONA city icon"Like the Andes, you were tall enough to fuel my ambition to climb the top of your shoulders to dance with you and beautiful enough to have my camera's f...

29 Aug, 2020 | Alfonso Gorostiaga
Photo: Iván Rodriguez ENGLISH VERSIONWe’re told that it won’t be completely snowy until next month, but that doesn’t prevent it from being deathly cold at around 6am as we watch the sun rise in t...

Catch me if I fall / Atento que caigo
29 Aug, 2020 | Alfonso Gorostiaga
Photos: Alfonso GorostiagaENGLISH VERSIONRocklimbing in La PazThe rocks have names that correspond to their personalities; the cookie, the razor, monkey back, Bolivar Crux, the predator, champagne. In...

Los Tajibos Hotel / Hotel Los Tajibos
29 Aug, 2020 | Hotel Los Tajibos
Photos: Andres MacleanENGLISH VERSIONLos Tajibos hotel aims to breathe new life into Bolivian tourism through the campaign, Conocé Santa Cruz (Get to know Santa Cruz) Launched by the hotel in 2017, al...

Blazing trails / Descubriendo Senderos
29 Aug, 2020 | Valeria Dorado
Photos: Valeria Dorado "Lalibelle"ENGLISH VERSION“Walking, ideally, is a state in which the mind, the body, and the world are aligned” Rebecca Solnit (Wanderlust: A History of Walking) A history...

El Valle de Las Animas
30 Aug, 2020 | Alfonso Gorostiaga
Photo: Gon LasernaENGLISH VERSIONThe cold is becoming increasingly noticeable. Since the Tata Inti marked the change of season on June 21, the days closely mimic the beginnings of winter. I have a bit...

Luis Alberto ‘Tito’ Eguino
30 Jun, 2020 | Bx Team
Photo by: Iván RodríguezMargaritaLa Paz’s culinary scene has experienced a mouth-watering boom in recent years. Its ever growing prestige has earned its spot at the top, the gourmet food on offer now...

Azafrán by Bolivian Express
30 Jun, 2020 | Camila Swift
A photo collaboration by Azafrán Magazine, a special thanks to Alvaro RuizThe best street and market foodsThis article was originally published in the issue 8 of Bolivian Express. It has been updated...

Fabio Arandia
30 Jun, 2020 | Bx team
Photo: Iván RodríguezTypicaBefore Typica opened its first locale in Calacoto, coffee enthusiasts had limited options for specialty coffee. Since its inception in 2013, 7 more shops have opened across...

Take Outs
30 Jun, 2020 | Iván Rodríguez
Photo essay by: Iván RodríguezOur favourite coffee time tunes over a latte or distinct clatter and chatter of our favourite restaurants may seem like whispers from a bygone era. While we won’t be able...

The Universe of Plants (goes to D.C.)
30 Jun, 2020 | Caroline Risacher and Bx Team
Photo: Iván Rodríguez This article was originally published in the issue 82 of Bolivian Express, We are reediting it with an update on Quiroga’s new project.UpdateAlongside Santiago Diaz, a long...

30 May, 2020 | BX Crew
RECOMMENDATIONS BX105DESTINATIONVALLE DE LA LUNADescription: The Valle de la Luna is one of the most popular tourist destinations in La Paz. It was named ‘Moon Valley’ when Neil Amstrong visited Boliv...

Ariel Valverde
30 May, 2020 | BX Crew
Yaigo DeliveryAriel Valverde is a technological entrepreneur, passionate about innovation and digital transformation. He founded Yaigo Delivery in 2019. Yaigo, whose initials in English mean: You Ask...

El Museo de Arte Antonio Paredes Candia
31 Mar, 2020 | Abby Thayananthan and Anneli Aliaga
El Alto’s Cultural Hub of Art and Literature Images: "Poserismo" by Iván Cáceres - Courtesy of: Carlos Villagómez, Max Siñani, Vlady Fernández Antonio Paredes Candia, or affectionately known...