The Arts

30 Sep, 2021 | David Fegan
Photo: Ana DiazENGLISH VERSIONInside the fertile mind of the Bolivian musician, inventor, author and investigator Once described as ‘the best in the universe’ when it comes to Bolivia’s nati...

El Museo de Arte Antonio Paredes Candia
31 Mar, 2020 | Abby Thayananthan and Anneli Aliaga
El Alto’s Cultural Hub of Art and Literature Images: "Poserismo" by Iván Cáceres - Courtesy of: Carlos Villagómez, Max Siñani, Vlady Fernández Antonio Paredes Candia, or affectionately known...

29 Apr, 2020 | Anneli Aliaga
How to celebrate Bolivian cinema when you are stuck at home in quarantine Images: Bolivia CineOn 20 January 2020, months before national lockdown and worldwide quarantine hit the country, Boliv...

Bolivia under lockdown
29 Apr, 2020 | Patricio Crooker
As Bolivia approaches the end of its quarantine, cases of COVID-19 in the country and the world are still growing. Government officials will be reassessing the situation to decide if the strict meas...

Raza de Bronce
29 Apr, 2020 | Anneli Aliaga
Why Alcides Arguedas’s 1919 novel is an integral part of Bolivia’s education system Images: Anneli Aliaga & Librosletraylinea [Flickr]In the Bolivian Ministry of Education’s digital online...

Taking to the Pole in La Paz
25 Sep, 2019 | Rhiannon Matthias
Photos: Rhiannon Matthias Empowerment and community When one thinks of female empowerment, perhaps pole dancing is the last thing that springs to mind. Pole dancing (the preferred term...

31 Dec, 1969 | Jack Curson
Photos: Jack Curson Urban art illuminates La Paz neighbourhood When travelling on the red teleférico line towards El Alto, you cannot help but recognise the brightly coloured homes that make up the ne...

A Sacred Space
31 Dec, 1969 | Lola Newell
Photos: Lola Newell Thanking Pachamama amongst the sculptures of Francine Secretan Throughout the month of August, Pachamama, the Andean earth-mother goddess, will receive thousands of offer...

Portable Cholets
25 Sep, 2019 | Jack Curson
Photos: Jack Curson Freddy Mamani’s cholets are brought to life through cinematic art For two weeks in July of this year, the UK’s Architectural Association Visiting School programme ca...

The Titanic Sculptures of Victor Hugo Barrenechea
31 Dec, 1969 | Joshua Neaman
Photos: Courtesy or Barrenechea's family Bolivian and American history set in metal and stone A new exhibition of the works of Victor Hugo Barrenechea at the Museo de la Revolución in La Paz...

Thelonious—From Club to Cultural Centre
30 Jul, 2019 | Rachel Durnford
Photos: Rachel Durnford The city’s jazz fans congregate in the new locationEntering the Centro Cultural Thelonious is to be transported to another world, away from the bustling cityscape of...

Achachilas - The making of
24 Jun, 2019 | Achachilas
Photos: Achachilas Cordillera Real.View of the Tikimani mountain from the Huayna Potosi high camp. View from Huayna Potosí's main road.The main characters, Sergio and Juvenal Condori. They both work...

24 Jun, 2019 | Renata Lazcano Silva
Photos: Achachilas The cinematographic mountain experience ‘We have these incredible mountains nearby. They are our jewels. People come from all around the world to do mountaineering here an...

Remembering Rosita Ríos
24 Jun, 2019 | Talulla Cragg
Photos: Talulla Cragg A museum on Calle Jaen celebrates the late actress As I enter the Museo Rosita Ríos on the bright and historic Calle Jaén, warmly greeted by her granddaughter and co-fo...

Visiting the General Cemetery of La Paz
24 Jun, 2019 | Talulla Cragg
Photo Essay by Talulla Cragg This colourful place of devotion and respect provides insight into the celebration of life and death in La Paz The General Cemetery of La Paz was made public in...