History & Politics

29 Dec, 2020 | Anneli Aliaga
Photo: Michael Dunn [www.michaeldunca.com] ENGLISH VERSIONThe history and significance of the wiphala in the Bolivian imaginary. There is minimal, if any, concrete historical evidence of the origin o...

The Presidential Elections 18 /10 /2020 - Elecciones Presidenciales 18 /10 /2020
31 Oct, 2020 | Iván Rodríguez

31 Oct, 2020 | reconciliemosbolivia.org
Images: Reconciliemos BoliviaENGLISH VERSIONThe launch of the campaign “You are better than that! Let's reconcile Bolivia through dialogue " The campaign seeks to raise awareness of the need to rec...

A Feminist Democracy? / ¿Democracia feminista?
31 Oct, 2020 | Paola R. Senseve Tejada
Photos: Freddy BarráganENGLISH VERSIONJust a couple of months before the end of 2020, with the general elections in Bolivia and the United States knocking at the door, whilst facing a global health an...

Media and elections / Medios de comunicación y elecciones
31 Oct, 2020 | Jorge Luis Palenque
Photo: Iván Rodríguez / Illustration: Yasser Kim Kerrigan ENGLISH VERSIONWhen you work in the media, people want to know your political opinions, because the media represents a very importan...

Ríos de Pie
31 Oct, 2020 | Jhanisse Vaca
ENGLISH VERSION“All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” said Martin Luther King Jr. in 19...

Democracy, Forests and Socio-diversity in Bolivia / Democracia, Bosques y Socio-diversidad en Bolivia
31 Oct, 2020 | José Antonio Martinez Montaño
Photo: Tony SuárezENGLISH VERSIÓNFormal and representative democracy is not only a way of electing authorities, it is also a mechanism for imposing a political system on the population, a development...

#VOTARÉ: Why Bolivians need to broadcast this hashtag online even though it is obligatory for them to vote / #VOTARÉ: Por qué llenar las redes sociales con este hashtag en un país donde es obligatorio votar
31 Oct, 2020 | Claudia Cárdenas
ENGLISH VERSIONMany people who live in Bolivia and even abroad, but have ties with Bolivians, would have surely noticed that as of October 1 2020, social media, especially Facebook, were filled with t...

31 Oct, 2020 | Alfonso Gorostiaga
Photo: Malhar MahurkarENGLISH VERSIONThere is a term often used in wrestling to explain the staging and the fictitious plot that exists behind the performance of the wrestlers: Kayfabe. This concept s...

DE UNA LEGENDARIA BATALLA A UN LEGENDARIO SABORENGLISH VERSIONMagical, this is how tourists, visitors and residents describe Santiago de Huari, a small town on the shores of Lake Poopó with endless le...

La Saya No Es Todo
02 Mar, 2020 | Rhiannon Matthias
Photos: Rhiannon Matthias Afro-Bolivians struggle for recognition of their place in Bolivian historyThis year marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Law 200 of the Bolivian Constitutio...

Rainbows of Revolution
02 Mar, 2020 | Anneli Aliaga
Photo: Michael Dunn [www.michaeldunca.com] The history and significance of the wiphala in the Bolivian imaginary. There is minimal, if any, concrete historical evidence of the origin of...

The Chimanes of Maraca’tunsi, Bolivia, after their Sacred Hill was taken from them
03 Jan, 2020 | Karen Gil
Santos contemplates the space where his house was back in the 1990s, now it is full of bushes and trees. Photos: Manuel Seoane The Chiman people cannot be understood outwith the context of t...

Simón Bolívar: an extraordinarily profuse man
11 Dec, 2019 | Adriana L. Murillo A.
Image: Picture painted by Epifanio Garay 19th centuryEl Libertador and his descendents The founder of Bolivia and one of the most relevant figures during the South American wars of independence,...

Potosí: The silver city that changed the world
11 Dec, 2019 | Adriana L. Murillo A.
Photos: Gonzalo Cárdenas ‘I am Rich PotosíTreasury of the worldKing of the mountainsAnd envy of Kings.’Motto from Potosí’s coat of arms, granted by Emperor Charles VThat is how Kris Lane beg...