Social issues

31 Dec, 1969 | Jack Curson
Photos: Jack Curson Urban art illuminates La Paz neighbourhood When travelling on the red teleférico line towards El Alto, you cannot help but recognise the brightly coloured homes that make up the ne...

Flight of the Bumblebees
30 Jul, 2019 | Christopher Niklas Peterstam
Photos: Christopher Niklas Peterstam With a worldwide decline in the bee population, Yungas beekeepers protect their hivesOutside Coroico, a small town in the centre of the sparsely populate...

The First International Qhapaq Ñan Walk
30 Jul, 2019 | Christopher Niklas Peterstam
Photos: Christopher Niklas Peterstam Walking the ancient Incan road system In view of the scenic Lake Titicaca a huge ceremony had assembled. Thousands of people dressed in their indigenous...

Visiting the General Cemetery of La Paz
24 Jun, 2019 | Talulla Cragg
Photo Essay by Talulla Cragg This colourful place of devotion and respect provides insight into the celebration of life and death in La Paz The General Cemetery of La Paz was made public in...

Soul Searching in La Paz
24 Jun, 2019 | Talulla Cragg
Illustration: Hugo L. Cuellar Investigating the concept of the ajayu in the Andean worldAccording to Aymara belief, everything in nature, from the towering mountains to the people below, has an a...

A Look Inside the Workshop
23 May, 2019 | Pablo Arteaga
Photo Story by Pablo Arteaga These four very different families are dedicated to the production of alpaca and llama knitted baby and children's clothing for the Bolivian company Nanay. They are p...

Bolivia builds the radio star
23 May, 2019 | Emily Kilner
Photos: Emily Kilner The thriving radio stations and their hosts in Bolivia’s indigenous communitiesA typical Monday morning at Radio Wilka Pacha:5am–6am: Local Aymara music, ‘definitely nothing...

Intercultural births in Bolivia
23 May, 2019 | Emily Kilner
Photos: Emily Kilner Culturally appropriate birthing rooms are helping to reduce Bolivia’s shockingly high maternal death rate Señora Ruth Quispe Choque was glowing as she described a beauti...

All eyes on October
24 Apr, 2019 | Alexis King
Photos: Michael Dunn Caceres A look at the opposition in this year’s Bolivian general electionWith the general election due to take place in late October, this year could prove to be p...

Fundación Casari
24 Apr, 2019 | Alexis King
Photos: Alexis KingHelping families across CochabambaSat in Don Massimo’s office, the walls of which are adorned with photos and trophies from various football teams he’s helped, he tells a story of w...

The Heartbeat of the city
24 Apr, 2019 | Alexis King
Photo Essay by Alexis King Concrete pitch in Alto Tacagua. Perched precariously on a hill well-above the city of La Paz, this pitch has breathtaking views. The chances of recovering a lost...

Indigenous Languages vs Extinction
27 Feb, 2019 | Alicja Hagopian
Photo: Elin DonnellyMural: Knorke LeafThe year 2019 was proclaimed the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL) by the United Nations in 2006. The aim of this year’s celebration, is to raise...

Korean Expats in Bolivia
27 Feb, 2019 | David O’Keeffe
Photo: Drew GrahamNavigating the challenges of adapting to a new cultureThe majority of Koreans who live overseas have settled in China, the United States and Japan. Lately, however, there has been a...

Interview with a Yatiri
27 Feb, 2019 | Mia Cooke-Joshi
Photo: Mia Cooke-JoshiThe work of heeding the call of PachamamaAt the edge of the market in El Alto, beyond the never-ending stalls that sell everything you could possibly imagine, is one of the...

Ladies of the Fight
27 Feb, 2019 | Ellie Gomes
Photo: Ellie GomesA Sunday afternoon in the wrestling ringAs we navigated the bustling Sunday market in El Alto around stalls selling everything from shoe laces to car parts, we were approached by two...