
Indigenous Languages vs Extinction
27 Feb, 2019 | Alicja Hagopian
Photo: Elin DonnellyMural: Knorke LeafThe year 2019 was proclaimed the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL) by the United Nations in 2006. The aim of this year’s celebration, is to raise...

Korean Expats in Bolivia
27 Feb, 2019 | David O’Keeffe
Photo: Drew GrahamNavigating the challenges of adapting to a new cultureThe majority of Koreans who live overseas have settled in China, the United States and Japan. Lately, however, there has been a...

Interview with a Yatiri
27 Feb, 2019 | Mia Cooke-Joshi
Photo: Mia Cooke-JoshiThe work of heeding the call of PachamamaAt the edge of the market in El Alto, beyond the never-ending stalls that sell everything you could possibly imagine, is one of the...

If These Walls Could Talk
20 Jan, 2019 | Josephine Zavaglia
Photos: Josephine ZavagliaMuralism as an art form to transform the public spaces of La PazGraffiti and street art have the ability to turn a city into a tourist destination. Such is the case of B...

Fashion Blogging in Bolivia
22 Nov, 2018 | Sasha Vasquez
Photo: José Rolando RuizIt’s not all champagne and cavorting with models, but it’s still great gig‘Blogger’ is a word so common nowadays that it’s hard to believe that less than five years ago mo...

Menstruation: Its Myths and Removing Its Shame
22 Nov, 2018 | Josephine Zavaglia
The revival of old traditions is correcting misinformation about periods in BoliviaLike many other countries, Bolivia is a place where menstruation is often spoken about only in hushed tones, and the...

The Dichotomy of Chacha-Warmi
29 Aug, 2018 | Adriana L. Murillo
Photo: Iván RodriguezIn Bolivia, all things must have their complement.In Andean philosophy, everything has a complementary partner; that is, everything is composed of the concepts of male and female...

Bolivian Tradition, Drug Crisis
29 Aug, 2018 | Leigh Anderson
Image: Alexandra MeleánThe Duality of the Andean Coca LeafA stealthy trip into the jungle. An underground deal. Secret messengers. The transformation of a harmless substance to a deadly one. Border cr...

Wayra Japón Andes
21 Jun, 2018 | Ollie Goldblatt
Photos: Iván RodriguezTraditional Japanese and Bolivian Music Fused TogetherIn 1899, Bolivia’s first Japanese immigrants made their home here. Next year, 120 years later, this historical moment is bei...

Tata Jach'a Danzanti
23 May, 2018 | Adriana L. Murillo Argandoña
Photo: Iván Rodriguez PetkovicThe Dance of Death‘Let him die dancing, so he will pay for his faults.’ This is a phrase from the movie The Clandestine Nation, made by Jorge Sanjinés in 1989. The film f...

The Achachilas
26 Mar, 2018 | Adriana L. Murillo Argandoña
Photo: Iván Rodriguez PetkovicTranslation: Niall FlynnParents and protectors of the Andean world¡Tatituy! ¡Papituy! These are the words that the yatiri repeats, referring to the ancestral spirits and...

Bolivian Festival Apparel
23 Feb, 2018 | Adriana Murillo
Photos: Iván Rodriguez PetkovicInnovation Keeps Local Culture, Customs and Costumes AliveVibrant colours, masks, sequins and feathers adorn the streets of La Paz during carnival and other traditional...

A Little Luck Goes a Long Way
23 Feb, 2018 | Georgina Bolam
Ekeko Lends a HandPhotos: Georgina BolamEach year on 24 January, the people of La Paz head to the Parque Urbano and its surrounding plazas and fill their bags with miniature cars, houses, computers, r...

The Catacombs of Potosí
21 Sep, 2017 | Catriona Fraser
Photos: Catriona Fraser and Nick Ferris A look at the past to serve the futureIt is the 1990s, and the roof of San Agustín church groans a final breath of life before surrendering to the mould of time...

Faces of Tiwanaku
21 Sep, 2017 | Julio C. Salguero Rodas
Photo: Julio C. Salguero RodasMore than a millennium after its demise, Tiwanaku has become a Unesco world heritage site. I ask our guide Hugo Tarqui Blanco what is the one thing that made Tiwanak...