
15 Jul, 2011 | Jessica Cruel
A family affair Behind a black door at 2448 Avenida Ecuador lies 'La Casa de las Flaviadas.' But it is much more than a home - it is a shrine to classical music and the life of a man with a pass...

Around and about in La Paz
14 Jul, 2011 | Sarah Lund
Follow Sarah Lund on a free ramble through the sights, sounds, smells and surprises of the Bolivian capital. The city of La Paz climbs up the surrounding mountainsides and you’ll have to climb yours...

A user’s guide to getting around in La Paz
14 Jul, 2011 | Steven Nathe
Every big-city transportation system has its quirks and La Paz is no exception. This guide is intended for the visitor or short-term resident who wants a leg up before subiendo one of the many options...

Paceño Style
27 Aug, 2010 | Olivia Alter and Katie Lark
Forget bowler hats, long skirts, shawls and plaits - there’s more to Bolivian fashion than the cholita uniform. We headed to the city centre, around San Francisco, to see what other styles we could f...

One Last August Rite
27 Aug, 2010 | Niall Maccrann
I couldn’t help myself. Bolivia’s festive fever swept me up and carried me off to where I wasn’t supposed to be, to Copacabana’s celebrations. As I was assigned to report on everything that wasn’t Aug...

Bolivia's Real Death Road
27 Aug, 2010 | Emma Hall
On entering the Cementerio General of La Paz, the presence of Catholic and generally European traditions related to death struck me straight away. Cholitas had unearthed black variants of their tradit...

My Big Fat Bolivian Wedding
27 Aug, 2010 | Deborah Bender and Rishum Butt
"And so the prince in shining armour rides gallantly upon his white stallion across strange and foreign lands, high and low, all in search of his beloved, so that he may take her and wed her in holy m...

My Super Sweet Fifteen
27 Aug, 2010 | Anna Hunter
The church blessing, the Cinderella gown, the bouquet, the tiered cream cake, the first dance…all little girls dream of this day. The average schoolgirl has to make do with playing Polly Pocket weddin...

Festivities Galore
27 Aug, 2010 | Niall Maccrann
As a European new to La Paz, my first experience of a Bolivian festival was a breathtaking one; as I watched the volume and vibrancy of the Entrada pass, I wondered what could inspire fifteen thousand...

Borracho Estaba e Hice Una Película
26 Jul, 2010 | Edward Bell
“El Cementerio de los elefantes” is a cross between a 1990´s B-Movie and a documentary by Louis Theroux. The budget comes across quite clearly with the quaint cinematography, Nollywood acting, and th...

¡Oye, Profes! Leave those kids alone
26 Jul, 2010 | Andrew Cummings
As a student in the UK, I’m more than mildly aware that for the majority of eighteen- and nineteen-year-olds there, university is the next logical step after college. For many, university is about mo...

Coca vs Cola
26 Jul, 2010 | Camille Reltien
About 70 km from La Paz, a field of coca plants clings to the steep slopes of Las Yungas. This transitional zone between dry highlands and humid lowlands provides the ideal climate for the most stigma...

El Mundial In Bolivia
26 Jul, 2010 | Tom Farr
A Global Phenomenon. El Mundial. The World Cup. Le Coupe Du Monde. For one month every four years the world is overcome by football fever and Bolivia is no different, despite the fact that the last (a...

In this fair city
22 Jul, 2010 | Amaru Villanueva Rance and Ernestine Roeters van Lennep
A pirated version of Windows 7 in Spanish (Bs.7), a live baby snake (Bs.150), a snake carcass (Bs.75), a 42-inch plasma screen (Bs.10,000), Mao t-shirts (Bs.3-15), a neon Jesus statue (Bs.25), Indones...