History & Politics

The kharisiri of the Altiplano
11 Dec, 2019 | Caroline Risacher
Illustration: Hugo L. Cuéllar @hugolcuellar A history of colonisation, repression and exploitation manifests itself as a mythical beast The kharisiri, also known as the khari-khari and lik’i...

The Titanic Sculptures of Victor Hugo Barrenechea
31 Dec, 1969 | Joshua Neaman
Photos: Courtesy or Barrenechea's family Bolivian and American history set in metal and stone A new exhibition of the works of Victor Hugo Barrenechea at the Museo de la Revolución in La Paz...

The Chullpas of the Ancient Aymara
30 Jul, 2019 | Rachel Durnford
Photos: Rachel DurnfordThese ancient funerary structures highlight the importance of conservation The recent restoration of the chullpas at the Condor Amaya national monument, located in the...

Think You’ve Cine It All?
25 Mar, 2019 | Elin Donnelly
Vuelve Sebastiana. 1953 Photos: Courtesy of Fundación Cinemateca Boliviana The Bolivian film industry is small, but it’s a vital part of the country’s cultureBack in the horse-drawn-car...

Casa Grande del Pueblo
24 Sep, 2018 | Rose Cocks
Photos: Rose CocksControversy and art inside the new government buildingVisible from any point across the skyline of La Paz, Bolivia’s new presidential building, the Casa Grande del Pueblo, looms over...

Voices From a University Protest
23 Jul, 2018 | Rafaela Alford
Photos: Poppy KoronkaContradictory narratives between media, State and peopleThe sounds of shouts, horns and flares accompanying bustling crowds, road blocks and picket signs often greet daily commute...

23 Jul, 2018 | Robyn Kate Pollard
Photos: Marion JoubertThe talent of amalgamating art and politicsA spacious workshop with a large window overlooking the mountains, home to an array of paints, brushes, oils, pencils and hundreds of b...

Happy Birthday, Mentisan!
23 May, 2018 | Niahm Elain
Images: Niahm ElainBolivia’s beloved balm is turning 80A tin of Mentisan is as common in a Bolivian household as a bible in a hotel room. The menthol ointment was invented here back in 1938, which is...

Portrait of Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz, a symbol of Bolivia’s fight for democracy
22 Nov, 2017 | Adriana Murillo
Illustration: Hugo L. CuellarIn the 1980s, during the dictatorships of Luis García Meza and Luis Arce Gómez, many important leaders and figures of Bolivian civil society were disappeared or assassinat...

Partido Obrero Revolucionario
22 Nov, 2017 | Charles Bladon
Photo: Adriana MurilloThe old guard of Bolivian TrotskyismSince 1825, there have been 88 governments in Bolivia, with an average of 2.2 years per government. Chronic political instability has become s...

Fifty Years After Che
22 Nov, 2017 | Matthew Grace
Photos: Adriana Murillo and Charles BladonGuevara’s Bolivian Legacy—and Its ContradictionsOn October 9, 1967, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, famed Marxist revolutionary, was executed by the Bolivian military...

Stepping Into the Spotlight
19 Jul, 2017 | Yasmin Rufo
Bolivia takes centre stage on the UN Security CouncilOn 7 April, the Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations, Sacha Llorenti Solíz, condemned the United States’ ‘unilateral attack’ on Syria during a...

Che Pantomime
29 Dec, 2016 | Angus Mcnelly
Illustration: Hugo L. CuellarThe sing-along story of the marxist guerrillaIn the auditorium of Bolivia’s Central Bank in La Paz, a cumbia star leads a sing-along to a pop song whilst children wave fla...

Ecology vs. Development
29 Dec, 2016 | Jet de Kort
Photo: Theresa EdwardsThe struggle over the dams in the Beni RiverOn a humid and sunny day I traveled back from Madidi National Park on a wooden boat to the town of Rurrenabaque. The muddy Beni River...

Eight Kilometres of Petty Diplomacy
28 Aug, 2016 | Jacob Klein
Illustration: Oscar ZallesThe legal battle over a riachueloAlong the southwestern reaches of Bolivia, in a desolate section of the Departamento de Potosí, a freshwater spring seeps to the surface of a...