Enterprise & Industry

It’s a Whiskey Business
24 Apr, 2019 | Elin Donnelly
Photo: Courtesy of Killa MoonshineThe Andean Culture Distillery adds to an oaky offeringTwo years after its debut in their Bolivian liquor market, Andean Culture Distillery co-owners Fernando Marin an...

A Touch of MagicK
27 Feb, 2019 | Alicja Hagopian
Photos: Alicja HagopianLa Paz’s renowned cultural café is just one aspect of the region’s independently produced local food renaissanceCafé MagicK was founded in 2014 by husband-and-wife team Ste...

The Art of Making a Difference
20 Jan, 2019 | Autumn Spredemann
Photos: Autumn SpredemannGallery owners Fredy and Jonathan Hofmann set the stage for Bolivian artistsThe doors of Arte y Cultura Galería are open seven days a week, catching the eye of all who wa...

Diana Málaga
22 Nov, 2018 | Sophie Blow
Photos: Sophie Blow/Adriana L. Murillo A.Stitching the challenging road toward the rights of transgender Bolivians In the hustle and bustle of the market in La Paz that leads to the city’s cemete...

Bolivia – A Modern-Day El Dorado
29 Aug, 2018 | Robyn Kate Pollard
Photo : Wikimedia.orgBut the country’s mineral riches come with a price – societal, environmental and economicGold prices have risen steadily since 2000, increasing nearly fourfold and changing t...

A Fisherman’s Life
23 Jul, 2018 | Katherina Sourine
Photos: Katherina SourineVisiting the Chilaya community on Lake TiticacaThe boat rocked gently and the crisp morning air facilitated a sense of clarity in the experience: tangling fish out of the net,...

A New German Partner for Bolivia
21 Jun, 2018 | Adrianna Michell
Photo: Iván RodriguezThe ongoing quest for a lithium-fueled futureGerman company ACI-Systems GmbH has invested in Bolivia’s lithium processing industry with hopes to cash in on the electric car boom....

From pharmacy to pharmaceutical manufacturer
26 Apr, 2018 | Rodrigo Barrenechea
Photo: Iván RodriguezLaboratorios Crespal S.A. A family business goes bigBack in the 1950s, La Paz was a small city where practically everyone knew each other. Nearly all the country's decisions...

26 Apr, 2018 | Rodrigo Barrenechea
Photo: Iván RodriguezHandcrafted Leather Goods and Travel AccessoriesIt is 25-year-old commercial engineer Bernardo Bonilla’s dream that his enterprise, aptly named Vagabond, translates the experience...

German Beer Lands in Bolivia
26 Apr, 2018 | Mathew Grace
Photo: Courtesy of ProstBrewmaster Guido Mühr’s motto: ‘Cerveza alemana hecha en Bolivia’Formerly dominated by domestic brew behemoths Paceña and Huari, Bolivia is experiencing a beer renaissance as o...

Daniella García Moreno’s Elemental School
26 Apr, 2018 | Caroline Risacher
Photo: Iván RodriguezThe young entrepreneur is providing science and technology education to Bolivia’s new generationHow can you make a car go from point A to point B using only the power of the wind?...

Xavier Iturralde
29 Oct, 2017 | Caroline Risacher
Photo: Xavier IturraldeMan of ChangeI am meeting with Xavier Iturralde, founder of the Spazio Wellness and Lounge gymnasiums. The first thing he tells me is: ‘I am paceño. I love my city.’ His love an...

Soaring Above the City
29 Oct, 2017 | Matthew Grace
Photos: Iván Rodriguez - Matthew GraceOrgullo Paceño for the Ultramodern Cable-Car Mass-Transit SystemOn September 29, the newest line of La Paz’s state-of-the-art cable-car system – el teleféric...

Successful Entrepreneurs in Bolivia – What’s the secret?
25 Jun, 2017 | Mohammed Junaid
Photos: William WroblewskiStay Hungry. . . Stay FoolishAt first glance, the entrepreneurship scene in La Paz seems quiet. Meetup.com and Techstars groups barely meet, and a startup incubator is hard t...

A Force for Good
25 Jun, 2017 | Sophie Hogan
Photo: Sophie HoganClaudia Cárdenas is touching lives with Fundación VIVAAfter being ushered up to the third floor of the VIVA headquarters in Calacoto, a well-off neighbourhood in La Paz, we see Clau...