Enterprise & Industry

15 Apr, 2017 | Sophie Hogan
Photo: Nick Somers and Sophie HoganThe Vinyl Collectors Saving Generations of MusicMany aspects of life have been lost to history's clutches. There are arts, people, and even whole cities that are for...

28 Mar, 2017 | Sophie Hogan
Photos: Nick Somers and Sophie HoganA Concept Store for Bolivia's Best and BrightestMistura’s name comes from the word ‘mixture’. When one walks in the door of the store on Calle Sagarnaga, La Paz’s m...

Looking for a Killa Drink?
28 Sep, 2016 | Isabel Cocker
Photo: William WroblewskiTwo Partners Are Looking to Redefine the Whisky Market in BoliviaBarely five minutes after arriving at Bolivia’s soon-to-be first-ever whisky distillery, I find a shot glass h...

From the Shores of Titicaca to Sydney
28 Aug, 2016 | Melody chan
Photo: Melody ChanBolivians and an American Adventurer Team Up to Sail Across the Pacific Using Ancient TechnologyFloating on the shimmering surface of Lake Titicaca, an imposing boat made of yellow t...

Quenching a Different Thirst
28 Aug, 2016 | Brian Weisbecker
Photo: Courtesy of Cervecería Boliviana Nacional‘Where’s your bottle?’ It was, in fact, in the bag I was told to store in a locker when I walked into this supermarket. As I continued conversing with t...

Andean Fashionistas!
15 May, 2016 | Rodrigo Barrenechea
Virtual boutiques connect Bolivian artisans with global markets Photo : Iván Rodriguez PetkovicA strange fact about Bolivian business ventures is this: according to the World Bank, a very high p...

Bolivian Express: Printed
30 Oct, 2015 | Anna Bellettato & Rafael Bertoli-Mitchell
Artes Gráficas Sagitario is a factory in La Paz that prints Bolivian Express. From pre-print design and blueprinting to UV-varnishing, we took a look at what goes on inside Bolivia's biggest printing...

29 Oct, 2015 | Anna Bellettato
ZEF is a Bolivian fashion house that upcycles donated second-hand clothes. The items that aren’t selected to be redesigned are given to local charities.ZEF aims to produce high-quality, creative and e...

The Design of Flavour
28 Oct, 2015 | Rafael Bertoli-Mitchell
Bolivia’s Artisanal Beer Scene is Brewing‘I want drinking beer to be an experience.’—Jaime Andres Sánchez, founder of Abbey Road pub‘You mess around with recipes and different ingredients, and you can...

Starbucks: a New Hope?
05 Oct, 2015 | Benjamin Cooke
‘Globalisation is happening now. That’s why I’m here. It’s happening every minute, every day. You can’t stop it,’ Angela tells me, before sipping a cappuccino as cold now as our conversation has been...

26 Aug, 2015 | Maxwell Popescu
Explore Bolivia from your living room, but don't forget to grab your gunsBolivia is the largest cocaine producer in the world. The vicious Santa Blanca Mexican drug cartel, a rising underworld power a...

25 Jul, 2015 | Marina Poole
An organic dairy thirty minutes from the cityThe quiet town of Achocalla, 12 kilometres south of La Paz, offers an opportune breather right when the city begins to feel hectic. Take a daytrip to enjoy...

Llama Droppings -The World’s Greatest Manure
25 Jul, 2015 | Fergus Morgan
Llama manure is amazing stuff. This outstanding fertilizer comes delivered fresh in handy odorless pellets, often stacked neatly by the obliging llama. Now, thanks to pioneering work conducted b...

Technology vs Tradition
25 Jul, 2015 | Rebecca Sherlock
The Battle of the OvensIn many areas of Bolivia, particularly the most rural, breakfasts consist of a simple offering of tea and bread. Different areas tend to have their bread of choice: marraquetas...

Shades Of Grey
25 Jul, 2015 | Fergus Morgan
Bolivia’s Market in Smuggled ElectronicsIn a world where Apple, Sony and Samsung are worshipped as deities, Bolivia is a God-forsaken place. There is a distinct dearth of certified dealers – Apple has...