
17 Jun, 2013 | Ryle Lagonsin
The Silver Man Stands Still Photo: Ryle Lagonsin For 27-year-old actor Ronald Millares performing is a way of life. In his continuous pursuit for artistic independence, he has found freedom...

17 Jun, 2013 | Fliss Lloyd
Fliss Lloyd goes on a tour with Hormigón Armado to understand what the city looks like to a shoe shiner. Photo: Carlos Sanchez Navas It was an afternoon well spent when I decided to do ...

17 Jun, 2013 | Sophia Howe
The King of Pop’s Spirit Lives On Photo: Ivan Rodriguez Petkovic The year 2009 was shadowed by the tragic death of Michael Jackson, but the legendary entertainer’s spirit was reborn in on...

17 Jun, 2013 | Sophia Howe
A Young Man’s Dancing Journey. Photo: Sophia Howe ‘I don’t only dance, I entertain’. Franz Rodrigo Chavez began his career singing on the micros of La Paz ten years ago. However, this was not...

Super Sweet Fifteen
15 May, 2013 | Felicia Lloyd
Chicas in Bolivia don't have a super sweet sixteen, they have a super sweet fifteen. There are other grand events such as weddings and 'prestes' where the large and idiosyncratic catering industry sho...

Eat, Chew, Love
15 May, 2013 | Jonathan Coubrough
Photo: Jonathan Coubrough With the historical exceptions of Coca-Cola and the heavily regulated pharmaceutical industry, the use and consumption of coca outside of South America is generally ille...

EDITORIAL - Reinventing Progress
14 Mar, 2013 | Amaru Villanueva Rance
Things are quickly changing in Bolivia — some say for worse, some say for the better. But what does it mean for things to improve in the first place? This is precisely what’s currently being debate...

Tourism and Sustainable Development: Bolivia Looks to the Future
14 Mar, 2013 | Hayden Aldredge
Tourism in Bolivia has skyrocketed over the past ten years. Emerging trends are communitarian, eco-friendly and have a marked development agenda. Photo by Michael Dunn C. From the majesti...

Artful Rebellion
14 Mar, 2013 | Connor Larson
Connor Larson explores how art is helping El Alto’s youths find personal growth. A volunteer, an MC, and the Minister of Cultures Pablo Groux help her understand how their cultural expressions can als...

Where is the Love?
15 Feb, 2013 | Hayden Aldredge
Hayden Aldredge's guide on where to date in La Paz Last week, I got a girl’s number. I waited three days (the requisite amount of time, at least where I’m from) before texting her, asking if s...

Virtual Love in the Altiplano
15 Feb, 2013 | Hayden Aldredge
It is 2013, and according to the New York Times over 80% of single Americans have tried online dating. Hayden Aldredge joined six websites, some more popular than others, to see if this craze has caug...

How to Love Life Itself
15 Feb, 2013 | Martin Diaz Meave
Football: A Game of Hearts I don’t remember his name, but he spoke with an emotion and a glint in his eyes that I didn’t see very often: this exchange student from Thailand, barely 17 years old,...

Love in the Andes
15 Feb, 2013 | Caroline Risacher
Courtship and Marriage Rites in the Altiplano Within the Andean conception of life, getting married follows a higher purpose than simply finding a companion for life. The idea of dating for weeks...

Amor Sin Pasion
15 Feb, 2013 | Dr. Tapia Bismarck Pinto
Aymara Conceptions of Love Love is a social construct created by the smallest social unit: the couple. It can be defined as a way of acknowledging the individuality of the other, of accepting and su...
Constellation Sacaba
30 Jan, 2013 | Amaru Villanueva Rance
The Ch’askitas, named after the quechua word for star, are Sacaba’s latest girl-band export. Amaru Villanueva Rance went to meet these folk starlets to learn their story, and left with three goddaught...