
20 Oct, 2013 | Modupe Sanusi
A state secret I find myself in the outskirts of La Paz, close to el Cementerio General. As soon as I leap out of the crowded minibus I am immediately greeted with curious stares from every direc...

20 Oct, 2013 | Alexandra Meleán
Fashion designers Valeria Wilde and Carola Valdivia experiment with eco-friendly fashion in Bolivia, introducing ZEF, a recycled clothing brand launching this November. Bolivian Express gets an ex...

20 Oct, 2013 | Finn O'Neill
Finn O’Neill meets a young inventor, a tattoo artist, and some locals with body art to understand the past, present and future of ink in Bolivia. Olmer Flores Pinedo is a 14-year-old alteño kid,...

20 Oct, 2013 | Christina Grünewald
Can Bolivia’s biggest Second-Hand Market satisfy the current fashion demands?Christina Grünewald combs through the flea market of El Alto, trying to find an entire outfit inspired by current Wester...

24 Sep, 2013 | Izzy Smith
I sit here writing this review with Dark Side of the Moon pounding through my headphones, inspired by the performance last night. Last night’s show can only be described as incredible; bursting wit...

In the cult of comics
21 Aug, 2013 | Georgina Phillips
As a fourteen-year-old girl, my contact with comics was restricted to the hours I spent in comic book stores, waiting for my friends to finish dithering over whether or not to buy the latest issue...

17 Jun, 2013 | Caterina Stahl
Name: Tania Mamani Age: 35 Job: Nail artist. Watching her work makes me realise it's essentially a combination of sculpting and painting on miniature canvases. This is just too good to b...

17 Jun, 2013 | Caterina Stahl
Photo: Caterina Stahl Name: Luis Aerrere Age: 33 Hometown: Buenos Aires Argentina Job: Artisan traveler 'Sometimes its sells, sometimes it doesn’t', he tells me with an easy smile. I...

17 Jun, 2013 | Ryle Lagonsin
The Silver Man Stands Still Photo: Ryle Lagonsin For 27-year-old actor Ronald Millares performing is a way of life. In his continuous pursuit for artistic independence, he has found freedom...

17 Jun, 2013 | Sophia Howe
The King of Pop’s Spirit Lives On Photo: Ivan Rodriguez Petkovic The year 2009 was shadowed by the tragic death of Michael Jackson, but the legendary entertainer’s spirit was reborn in on...

Artful Rebellion
14 Mar, 2013 | Connor Larson
Connor Larson explores how art is helping El Alto’s youths find personal growth. A volunteer, an MC, and the Minister of Cultures Pablo Groux help her understand how their cultural expressions can als...
Constellation Sacaba
30 Jan, 2013 | Amaru Villanueva Rance
The Ch’askitas, named after the quechua word for star, are Sacaba’s latest girl-band export. Amaru Villanueva Rance went to meet these folk starlets to learn their story, and left with three goddaught...
Grand Designs - Apocalyptic Architecture
30 Jan, 2013 | Joel Balsam
At the End of Days ‘It’s been a historical dilemma for Andean cities’, said Bolivian architect Mijael Bumuller. ‘An increase in demographics causes thousands to move to, and build on, the side of...

Marcos and Bellas
21 Nov, 2012 | Theo Haynes
Las Bellas Durmientes (Alma Films, 90 minutes, Bolivia - 2012)The story unfolds in a lawless world which ignores both victims and perpetrators alike. Quispe, a humble member of the special investiga...

Music money can´t buy
02 Jul, 2012 | Eleanor Warnick
For many well-known Western musicians, success means profit and fame. A stereotypical Western pop star has a handful of number-one hits, with merchandise mounted on the walls of hormonal adolescents....