Going Out

Esencia de Lleca
25 Jun, 2017 | Yolande Rowson
Photos: Nick SomersEssence of the StreetIt’s a Thursday afternoon on the Prado. A group of young men with microphones linked up to a portable speaker are in full swing, rapping about everything from d...

How to Bust the Traveller’s Blues
23 May, 2017 | Yolande Rowson
Photos: Nick SomersFour Simple Steps to Transform the Troubled TouristIt’s a depressing moment when you’re halfway across the world and you feel like a lugubrious llama. Your mind, once childlike in i...

La Paz, in Gold and Blue
23 May, 2017 | Sophie Hogan
Photos: Sophie HoganText: Aida Muratogluwhen they told us the sun would set earlier in May than it did in DecemberI felt a tinge of betrayalwinter in La Paz nothing like thesnow day-filled, salty-shoe...

16 Apr, 2017 | Federico de Blasi
Photo: Sophie HoganElectro Preste in La Paz In the ever more international and multicultural Bolivia, one of the best portraits of the country, at least from a cultural point of view, might be the Ele...

The Sacred Cave Paintings at Cala Cala
17 Feb, 2017 | Marianthi Baklava
Photo: Marianthi BaklavaAncient rites imbedded onto a rock faceCala Cala, a small, nondescript pueblo 21 kilometres south- east of the city of Oruro, boasts an extremely rich archaeological inheritanc...

Climbing the rocks of Bolivia
24 Oct, 2016 | Jet De Kort
Photo: William Wroblewski Indoor climbing in the cityHidden in the Sopocachi neighbourhood of La Paz you will find La Cueva Boulder Gym. From the outside, the building looks like any ordinary home, bu...

Diesel Inferno
28 Aug, 2016 | Madeleine Pollard
Photo: Madeleine PollardMore Than Just a Space of WasteUpon approaching the late-night bar Diesel Nacional, located in the centre of La Paz’s Sopocachi neighbourhood, you would be forgiven for thinkin...

Treading Carefully Across Bolivia
28 Aug, 2016 | Gabrielle Mcguinness
Photo: Gabrielle McguinnessAn Ethical Alternative for the Mindful TravellerThere is a certain guilt that comes with being that gringo wandering the streets of Bolivia, wrapped up in an alpaca sweater,...

Why Is La Paz Maravillosa?
20 Jul, 2016 | María Fernandez
La Paz’s Ciudadanos Chime In on Why Their City Deserves Its AccoladesIt was only possible for La Paz to be selected as one of the New Seven Wonder Cities of the World because the people of La Paz vote...

Together in the Light
20 Jul, 2016 | David Kavanagh
The slopes, the canyon, the chiseled cityA Photo essay by David KavanaghIf it were to be painted, the artist would keep three words in mind as he worked: vertical, rugged and alien. Brush in hand, he’...

15 May, 2016 | Jerusa Pozo
Liquid Enlightenment in Valle de las AnimasPhoto: Jerusa PozoI once heard that if you want to move forward, occasionally you have to exorcise your demons, give yourself a spiritual jolt. One ‘huasca’,...

Surreal Questionaire
29 Mar, 2016 | Hugh Ollard
Photo: Kit FretzIt was a rainy, overcast day when BX descended on unwitting university students at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés to grill them on their views about some of life’s most pressing q...

Fuzzy Logic
28 Mar, 2016 | Kit Fretz
Photo: Kit FretzAfter 17 hours of hairpin bends, we arrive in the northern Bolivian town of Rurrenabaque, situated on the banks of the Rio Beni, which separates the La Paz and the Beni departments. I’...

Lights and Shadows
07 Dec, 2015 | J.Q. Cooley and Anna Grace

Light Flight
07 Dec, 2015 | Lila Andrea Monasterios Esteves
Have you ever seen a colony of butterflies travelling? Or more specifically, have you witnessed their journey through the trees covering the lowlands of eastern Bolivia, filling the lush green canopy...