Going Out

Bolivia under lockdown
29 Apr, 2020 | Patricio Crooker
As Bolivia approaches the end of its quarantine, cases of COVID-19 in the country and the world are still growing. Government officials will be reassessing the situation to decide if the strict meas...

Changing the World Through Gastronomy
31 Mar, 2020 | George Fearnley
The programme looks to cultivate pride in its students for their heritage and the culture they come from. Photos: Courtesy of Manq’a / George FearnleyManq’a trains and helps find employment for a...

Recommendations BX-102
02 Mar, 2020 | BX TEAM
RESTAURANT MANQ’A Description: A social Restaurant that celebrates, values and highlights the products of the bolivian countryside. It is a space that enhances traditional cuisine and transf...

Bolivia in pictures
11 Dec, 2019 | BX Team
Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve. Potosí, Bolivia.VALERIA DORADOExplorer during the weekends and full time manager during the week. Valeria Dorado is passionate about travel and photo...

25 Sep, 2019 | BX TEAM
MUELA DEL DIABLO Description: This rock formation in the south of the city is one of the most iconic sights in La Paz. Muela del diablo means ‘devil’s molar’ and its shape is what remains of an e...

Recommendations BX-97
31 Dec, 1969 | BX Team
LA SENDA VERDE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY Description: La Senda Verde is home to more than 800 animals from almost 60 different species. They provide daily educational tours of the refuge to local and fo...

Thelonious—From Club to Cultural Centre
30 Jul, 2019 | Rachel Durnford
Photos: Rachel Durnford The city’s jazz fans congregate in the new locationEntering the Centro Cultural Thelonious is to be transported to another world, away from the bustling cityscape of...

30 Jul, 2019 | BX TEAM
CARNAVAL DE ORURO Description: Declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, the Carnival of Oruro is the maximum representation of carnivals in Bolivia and is one of the most impo...

Recommendations BX-95
24 Jun, 2019 | BX TEAM
CASA MUSEO SOLÓN Description: Walter Solón Romero (1923-1999) donated his house/workshop to the Solón Foundation in 1994. He is one of the most outstanding exponents of Bolivian plastic art of th...

Cruzze Bar & Pizzeria
23 May, 2019 | Adriana L. Murillo A.
Photos: Emily Kilner A small but very edgy space in Sopocachi Easily recognisable by its colourful murals of well-known Bolivian faces, Cruzze Bar & Pizzeria, on Calle Cecilio Guzmán de...

Deconstructing Stuff
20 Jan, 2019 | Caroline Risacher
Photos: Wikimedia CommonsAlmost everything you want to know explainedLlajuaAn important part of any Bolivian meal, this hot sauce is made out of tomato, locoto – a local and very strong red chill...

A Mountain Creamery Comes of Age
20 Jan, 2019 | Caroline Risacher
Photo: Courtesy of flor de lecheThe cheese is sublime – but that’s just one part of the storyFlor de Leche is known in La Paz for its high quality, locally produced cheeses and yoghurts. Back in 1998,...

Souvenirs and Shadow Economies
29 Oct, 2018 | Josephine Zavaglia
Photo: Honor ScottThe high price of informality for Bolivia’s artisans and textile cultureBolivia has been ranked 152 out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2018” world busines...

The Conscious-Food Festival
29 Oct, 2018 | Marie de Lantivy
Photos: Marie de Lantivy and Honor ScottHealthy eating and sustainability find a champion in La PazOn 6 October, the fifth annual Festival de Comida Consciente took place in La Paz’s Plaza Villar...

The Lost Cities of Amazonia
27 Aug, 2018 | Robyn Kate Pollard
Photos: Carla James BetancourtNew technology proves that this region, once thought to be uninhabitable, was home to advanced civilisationsIt’s a well-worn tale: Lured by accounts of forgotten ancient...