
The tribulations of being tribalised
21 Aug, 2013 | Danielle Carson
There’s something decidedly tribal about them. They are always armed, often with multiple weapons. They wear identically olive-green, seemingly bulletproof uniforms. They act instinctively. Like me...

Tradition Uprooted
16 Jul, 2013 | Danielle Carson
While consumers have become more and more conscious, producers are fighting to manifest this consciousness in the food they produce. Traditional production techniques are simple, and agriculture just...

17 Jun, 2013 | Fliss Lloyd
Fliss Lloyd goes on a tour with Hormigón Armado to understand what the city looks like to a shoe shiner. Photo: Carlos Sanchez Navas It was an afternoon well spent when I decided to do ...

Why Didn't the McChicken Cross the Road?
15 May, 2013 | Robert Noyes
McDonald’s shut its doors in Bolivia in 2002. Theories are conspiracies are abound for its demise and eventual departure. In the latest turn of events, other iconic US chains are knocking on the count...

EDITORIAL - Reinventing Progress
14 Mar, 2013 | Amaru Villanueva Rance
Things are quickly changing in Bolivia — some say for worse, some say for the better. But what does it mean for things to improve in the first place? This is precisely what’s currently being debate...

Under Construction - Democratisation in Bolivia
14 Mar, 2013 | Frans Robyns
With it’s latest Constitution, Bolivia has laid the foundations for a new era in its history. While civil society has undergone important transformations, democracy is still being developed. Phot...

The White Gold - Lithium
14 Mar, 2013 | Caroline Risacher
The need for alternative energy sources is increasingly becoming a worldwide priority. Oil and natural gas, on which we have become so reliant, are not sustainable sources. Efforts to change our ways,...

Out of the Closet, Into the Fire?
14 Mar, 2013 | Bolivian Express
Changes in Bolivian Laws signal some progress towards recognising sexual freedoms, though for gay rights to improve in practice, society must follow suit. Can culture hold the key for change?...

Rainbow Nation?
14 Mar, 2013 | Carlos (Kaamil) Shah
Bolivia is now officially Plurinational, has South America’s first indigenous President, and is developing in unexpected ways. But with a racial past as murky as Bolivia’s, can the country overcome it...
The End of the World . . . As We Know It
02 Jan, 2013 | Caroline Risacher
How Bolivia Is Going to Survive the Apocalypse The world is going to end on December 21, 2012, the Maya warned us. According to their beliefs, on that date we will arrive at the end of the 5,125-yea...

A united front
28 Feb, 2012 | Omari Eccleston-Brown
Bolivia does exist, but it’s a nation divided along invisible lines: East and West; loose borders that separate one ancestral community from the next; and perhaps most strongly, the breach between the...

Ploughing In The Sea: The Legacy of Bolivar - 6 de Agosto
27 Aug, 2010 | Alistair Smout
In the Zona Sopocachi of La Paz, things are peculiarly quiet. The normally chaotic traffic is calm, and pedestrians cross the road with relative ease. Shops are shuttered up, cafes are draped in red,...

Customary Moralety
27 Aug, 2010 | Alistair Smout
It’s not often that a president who returns with 64% of the popular vote (nearly 40% more than their nearest rival) faces stern political opposition eight months into their presidency, but then, Evo M...