Pico Austria - A taste of the Cordillera Real

26 Jan, 2024 | Zofia Todd
For those looking to dip their toe in chilly high-altitude waters, this challenging trek provides spectacular views of the Cordillera Real. Following a two-hour drive from La Paz, it is a three-hour climb to the peak, sitting at 5,350m above sea level. Along the way, llamas feed near beautiful aquamarine lagunas, fed by the white glaciers above. At these heights, seeing the peaks of Condoriri, Pequeño Alpamayo, and Huayna Potosí, and a panoramic view of Laguna Ch'iyar Quta can take your breath away.
The hike up to Pico Austria includes very steep paths, but it is generally considered a good option for an acclimatization hike before heading to a trickier, longer trek, such as Huayna Potosí. This is a great option for those looking for a day trek in the Cordillera Real.